- Background
The previous Regional Innovation Agency (RIA1) was established with the support of the National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH) in 2004, and started its function as Syndicate in January 2005. The aim of RIA1 was to establish a supportive and innovation-friendly environment, ruled by RIA in co-operation with the members of the regional innovation network.
The main goal for the first three years therefore, was to establish and to expand an active regional cooporative network. Via the syndicate of the previous RIA, an efficient cooporation network was developed and new partners were contracted in the form of an Information Point System.
From 2007, new R&D applications have been announced within the seventh framework programme (FP7), where participants could apply in the condition of being part of an expanded co-operation system. Today the same condition characterises the requestments for application sources in Hungary, as the Regional Operational Program aims to provide source to form clusters and to improve collaboration on the research field.
On the bases of the above, it was clear that the main principal of the organization between 2004-2008 was to establish a well structured and co-operative working relationship between the research field and the Entrepreneures, in order to assure successfull co-operation with the innovation- related organizations of the South Great Plain Region. In order to achieve the defined goal RIA1 set up project developing workshops, where colleagues and partners worked closely together to ease the execution of the applications.
- Mission
At RIA our mission is to enforce the principle of sustainable improvement while increasing the competitiveness of the region. RIA strains to improve the international competitiveness of the region, innovation and enterprise oriented improvements of the knowledge based economy, and to join and encourage cooporation between the innovation-related organizations to improve the economic appeal of the region.
- Objectives
- Improving innovation and research development, disseminating outcome
- Developing SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises), encouraging modernization of technology
- Creating modern business working environment
- Improving the access to SMEs financial tools
- Supporting the function of the Regional Innovation system
- Improving the region specific economic elements
- Communication with the branch developing organisations, innovation-related services and other Regional Innovation Agencies
- Creating a regional innovation network
- Introducing national and international (innovation-related) programs to promote the regional innovation
- Creating a professional network to the demand of the Regional Innovation Experts
Overall aim
At RIA our aim is to establish a professional coordinator in the region and to create a well organized unity to support and to fulfill the tasks of the Regional Innovative Strategy in order to ensure successful cooporation between members of the Research and Innovation Development (R&D&I) and the industry, to improve development of (small and medium-sized enterprises) SMEs, transfer of technology furthermore, to make profit of the intellectual property and set up a well structured network for innovation members.
Direct aim
- Participating as coordinator and Bridge Company in the actuation of the Regional Innovation Institute and its networks
- Joining the Regional Innovation Strategy Plan
- Coordinating activities of innovation management, technology-transfer and knowledge based activities of the Enterprise
- Communicating with the innovation-related source demand, informing source actuator institution
- Encouraging financial investment into International programs
- Organizing innovation-related trainings
- Improving and developing results of RIA 1
Long term objectives
- Assuring critical mass of the economically useful innovative outcome which is sufficient for enquires of investors and for long term maintenance
- Establishing an optimal structure for preincubation, incubation, financial investors/start-ups, which provides a well founded base to the function of Universities, Research Institutes, industry developers, clusters and science parks based on synergetic co-orporation
- Assuring complete insertion of innovation management to the Pole Programme of II National Development Plan
- Innovation management keeps up-to-date in the best of worldwide practise
- Preparation for development of partner supporting integrated system
- Employees
Maróti Péter – Director
Péter Maróti is the director of the DA-RIÜ. He graduated as a research chemist and teacher at the University of Szeged Faculty of Science and Informatics and he also got a degree in economics. He began his career as a trainee at the Biological Research Center and the Duna Refinery of MOL Plc. Later he worked for PICK SZEGED E.Co. Ltd. and Swedish Match Hungary Ltd. He completed the course of Inner Audition in Quality Management. Péter Maróti speaks and writes good English, and he is on intermediate level in German.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Molnár István – Senior Manager
Dr. Molnár István korábban igazgató munkakörben dolgozott az ügynökségnél, jelenleg a DA-RIÜ KhE. vezető projektmenedzsere és szabadalmi ügyvivője. 1998-ban kutató vegyészként, 2001-ben európai jogra specializált jogászként végzett a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen. A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kara civilisztika doktori iskolájában PhD. fokozatot szerzett. Magyar és európai szabadalmi ügyvivő, tagja a Magyar Szabadalmi Ügyvivői Kamarának. Eddig megjelent 27 publikációja közül kiemelést érdemelnek Szellemi tulajdon menedzsment és technológia-transzfer c. (2008) és Esettanulmányok a szellemitulajdon-védelem és -menedzsment köréből c. (2010, szerk.) könyvei. Oktatási tevékenységet egyetemeken, főiskolákon, regionális innovációs ügynökségekben és megbízás alapján más szervezetekben, külföldön is végez. Szakmai pályafutását 1999-ben kezdte. 2000-től a DANUBIA Szabadalmi és Védjegy Iroda Kft. szabadalmi ügyvivő partnereként, 2007-től szegedi irodavezetőjeként dolgozik. 2004-2011 között a BIOPOLISZ Kft. ügyvezetője. 2007-2010-ig a Szellemi Tulajdon Világszervezetének (WIPO) nemzetközi konzultánsa. 2012-től a Danubia IP Kft. ügyvezetője. 2012-2015 között az Európai Szabadalmi Hivatal Gazdasági és Tudományos Tanácsadó Testületének tagja. Tagja a Magyar Iparjogvédelmi és Szerzői Jogi Egyesületnek (MIE) és elnökségi tagja az LES Magyar Csoportjának. Molnár István felsőfokon ír és beszél angol illetve középszinten német nyelven.
Szecskó-Deme Erzsébet – Office Manager
Erzsébet Szecskó-Deme, project assistant of the RIA-SGP APU. She acquired economic, foreign trade administrator qualification, then graduated as Entrepreneur Manager with finance and IT specialization from College of Food Industry, University of Szeged. She spent her traineeship at the Hungarian Foreign Trade Bank and at Szegedi Sütödék Ltd. Then she worked as project manager at BIOPOLISZ Ltd. Erzsébet Szecskó-Deme speaks and writes in English on secondary level.
Czakó Kata – Innovation Manager
Kata Czakó works at the Agency since June 2013. She spent her traineeship at the Agency and currently she is strenghtening our team as a project assistant. She is studying at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Kata Czakó speaks and writes fluently in English and she has German language skills.
- Members
- Axiál Ltd.
- Port of Baja Ltd.
- Bács-Kiskun County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion
- Dél-Alföldi Regionális Fejlesztési Ltd.
- GriffSoft Ltd.
- Kecskemét College
- Szent István University, Faculty of Economics, Agriculture and Heath Sciences, Tessedik Campus
- Róbert Kopasz
- Zoltán Kovács
- Péter Maróti
- Dr. István Molnár
- Dr. Péter Nagyvári
- Dr. János Puskás
- Co-operative organizations
- University of Szeged (www.u-szeged.hu)
- Biological Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Science (www.szbk.u-szeged.hu)
- DARFÜ Regional Development Agency (www.darfu.hu)
- DEAK Regional Cooperation Research Center of Life and Material Sciences (www.deak.u-szeged.hu)
University of Szeged
The University of Szeged is not only one of the most important higher education institutions and scientific research centers of the Southern Great Plain Region but also of the country. Our University is well-known and recognized both at national and international level due to the results achieved by our university teachers, researchers and students in various fields of science. Education takes place at 11 faculties within the framework of 68 university- and 66 college-level majors. We also offer 27 kinds of specialized further training and 8 kinds of accredited university-level professional training opportunities as well as 17 doctoral schools. Higher education began in Szeged on 10th of October, 1921, when the University of Kolozsvár, the predecessor of the University of Szeged was moved to the city. At present the University has about 30.000 students and more than 7 thousand employees At the beginning of the year 2004 the University of Szeged was ranked 201 to 250 among the universities of the world and 77 among European universities on the basis of its scientific accomplishments thus, the University of Szeged took the lead not only among Hungarian but also among East-Central European institutions.
Biological Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Science
In 1962, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided to concentrate a substantial part of its means on supporting of research in the field of modern biology. Based on the concept of interdisciplinarity, scientific work in the Biological Research Center (BRC) is carried out in 5 institutes: Biophysics, Biochemistry, Enzymology, Genetics and Plant Biology. The research groups of the Institutes have the freedom to select their field of research. Traditionally, the major activities are dominated by molecular and cellular approaches. Topics from developmental or environmental biology belong to the research priorities as well. The competitive research in various fields of biology requires constant improvement of the instrumentation. The BRC has organized several central laboratories with facilities in DNA chip technology, protein analysis (MALDI-TOF), bioinformatics, DNA synthesis and sequencing furthermore flow cytometry. In 1998 the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) performed a detailed evaluation of the research performance in the BRC. Out of 46 groups, the Committee evaluated 16 groups as very good to excellent. The most outstanding achievements were in the areas of plant biology and developmental genetics. The BRC was nominated as a Centre of Excellence by the European Union, paying tribute to the quality of the resarch at the BRC.
DARFÜ Regional Development Agency
The DARFT – Regional Development Agency was established in 1998 in Szeged, Hungary. The Agency’s responsibilities involve handling applications of structural base and the ones derived from national sources, organising structural plan of the South Great Plan, participating in international projects and promoting involvement of regional cooperation. The aim of the Agency is to enforce local and European regionalism in the practise of the region development, to naturalize its principles and to prepare experts and residents of the region in order to an efficient use of EU sources. With the conduction of information flow and the application of national and inland sources we are dedicated to improve development of the region in order to fall into line, with the regional EU development standards.
Regional Cooperation Research Center of Life and Material Sciences
DEAK, supported by 10 industrial partners and the Economic Competitiveness Operative Program, was established in 2005 and embraces the knowledge base of three faculties of the University of Szeged. On one hand, the current research concentrates on material sciences including remediation and nanotechnological developments, modelling of imaging technologies, exploration of novel energy sources and finding new solutions to waste recycling. On the other hand research focuses on life sciences including cosmetological developments and strategies aiming to delay the process of aging. Our founder partners are prosperous companies operating in technology intense and R&D oriented sectors of the economy considering permanent technological development as a millstone for success. Looking over our introducing brochure, we believe, will attract your attention so as to welcome the organization of yours among our partners.
South Great Plain Regional Innovation Agency
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- Mission

Welcome to the homepage of Regional Innovation Agency of South Great Plain. The Regional Innovation Agency of South Great Plain (RIA) as a bridging institution started his function in 2005 in order to help the work of the actors of the regional innovation system.
The mission of RIA is to increase the competitiveness of the region while taking into account the principle of sustainable improvement. RIA, bearing competitiveness in mind as priority, strives to improve the international competitiveness of the region; innovation and enterprise oriented improvements of the knowledge based economy; to map the function of the organisations involved in the innovation process; to manage and organize the stakeholders to support the cooperation in order to the effective implementation of the innovation; as well as to improve the competitiveness and the attractiveness of the rural areas in favour of both those who live in this area and who practice entrepreneurial activity. Furthermore, among the objectives of RIA there is the awareness of the importance of the scientific careers, and innovative thinking.